Materials Needed:
• Cotton Balls
• 2 x 3 ziplock bag with a hole punched in the top of the bag
• Yarn pieces cut to 24” minimum
• Spray bottle of water
• Seeds (Radishes grow quickly)
1. Place cotton ball in ziplock bag
2. Spray lightly with water (cotton should not be soaked) Moisture
3. Place 1-2 seeds in the bag so it touches the cotton Soil
4. Punch a hole in the bag below the zip closure Air
5. Lace the yarn through the hole in the bag, tie it to make a necklace
6. Put the bag inside your shirt next to your body Heat
Seed germination is a basic growing skill that involves causing a seed to sprout. Germinating a seed is very easy to do. This activity will teach you about germination.
A few conditions must be present in order to properly germinate a seed. You will need proper Temperature (Body heat), Moisture (Spray bottle of water), Oxygen (air), and Darkness (inside your shirt). There are many different methods for germinating seeds, some prefer certain methods over others, but so long as you provide the basic requirements you should succeed. Initially, the seed absorbs water by wicking moisture through the seed coat into the seed itself. Moisture essentially brings the seed back to life. Once enough moisture has been absorbed by the seed, the exterior of the seed cracks open. At this point, the radicle emerges from the seed and forms into the root.