City Kids on the Farm & Step Back in Time Summer Program - Thursdays & Fridays
IN JUNE & JULY, 2024
10 AM - 2 PM
Yesteryear Village and the Agriculture Department are joining forces for fun-filled, action-packed Thursdays and Fridays throughout the months of June and July! This Summertime Program is fun, engaging, interactive and educational.
Animal encounters
Be immersed in Agriculture with hands-on activities!
Step back in time and enjoy old-fashioned games, chores, and more. Visit with the Village residents and learn about past times.
IMPORTANT: Call (561) 795-3110 for specific daily activities as certain activities do not take place on all days and are subject to inclement weather. All activities end at 2:00 p.m.
Groups of 10 or more, call to reserve a guided tour; otherwise, enjoy a self-guided tour to experience Yesteryear Village and participate in hands-on activities. Please bring picnic lunches and water bottles. Water fountains available on grounds.
Open to all ages. Adult must accompany the child; no drop offs
Adults: $10 (12 and up)
Seniors: $7 (60+)
Children: $7 (6-11)*
Under 5 Free.
Reservation group rate: groups of 10 or more: $5 for students (one teacher free for every 10 students) $10 for accompanying adults.
LAMP PASS holders are welcome June 1 - July 29 on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
Call for specific daily activities as certain activities do not take place on all days and are subject to inclement weather.Stop by the Military exhibit located in the Bink Glisson Museum and write a letter to a soldier. We’ll send it to the Forgotten Soldiers Organization.
For tour information or to make a reservation, please
email us or call (561) 795-3110.