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I absolutely love working with the staff at the South Florida Fairgrounds and you embrace me like I am family. You all make my job seem so easy and I am thankful for so many friendships over the past eight years.
- Eric Stern, Palm Beach County School District Administrator -

Required Services

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Space is leased in an "as-is" condition. All activities (maintenance) necessary to maintain the space and to return the space to the condition in which it was received are the responsibility of the event. The removal and disposal of all trash generated by the event, its exhibitors, and patrons is the responsibility of The Fair.


A South Florida Fair Security Officer must be on duty to roam & to man any open gates.


A South Florida Fair electrician is required to be on duty at all times that the buildings are occupied by a promoter.


South Florida Fair EMT's are required to be on duty at all times that the public has access to the property and buildings.

Ticket Sellers

The Fair reserves the sole and exclusive right to provide ticket sellers for all events selling tickets. Costs relating to the providing of services are the sole responsibility of the event promoter. Charges are based on published hourly rates applicable at the time of the event. The number of people needed is determined by the Fair, based on the anticipated attendance at the event.


Food & Beverage

The Fair retains the exclusive right to operate all food, drink, candy, tobacco, alcohol, novelties, souvenirs and all other concessions during the term of the License Agreement. All monies and profit derived from the operation of said concessions shall belong to the Fair. No other food, beverage, merchandise, or other concessions are permitted on the Fairgrounds without the express written consent of The Fair; nor shall Licensee, its agents, exhibitors, or invitees be permitted to bring food and beverage on the Fairgrounds.
Coca-Cola is the exclusive soft-drink product of the Fair and Ford is the official vehicle of the Fair. Please contact the Sales Manager for regulations and additional information on soft drinks restrictions.

Available Services

The following services are available and charges are based on published hourly rates applicable at the time of the event:
- Move-in/Move-out labor
- Security
- Carpenter
- Ticket Taker
- Parking Attendant
- Restroom Attendant

Equipment Available

The following equipment is available in limited quantities. Charges are based on published rates applicable at the time of the event.
- Tables
- Chairs
- Staging/Risers
- Stanchions
- Fencing
- Turnstiles
- Ticket booths
- Podium
- Bleachers/Risers
- Fork lift/Scissorlift
- Two Way Radios
- Extension Cords
If you are interested in renting our facility, call Annabell Manners at 561-790-4908 or email us.
You can also download the Inquiry Form on PDF below.

Please fill out form completely and fax or mail to:
Expo Center at the South Florida Fairgrounds
Attn: Annabell Manners/Kyanna Dominguez
P.O. BOX 210367
WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33421-0367
FAX: (561) 790-5206

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