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The South Florida Fairgrounds aims to promote agricultural education in Palm Beach County.

Check in every other week for #AgFacts videos to learn more about agriculture in south Florida.

#AgFacts- Palm Beach County Agriculture

Do you know how much food Palm Beach County produces?

Watch the video to find out!

#AgFacts- Corn

Do you know how much corn Palm Beach County produces?

Watch the video to find out!

#AgFacts- Aquaculture

What is Aquaculture?

Watch the video to find out!

What crops does Florida rank first for?

Watch the video to find out!

#AgFacts- Dairy Cows

Did you know dairy cows wear Activity Trackers?

Watch the video to find out!

#AgFacts- Family Farms

Do you know the percentage of farms that are run by families in Florida?

Watch the video to find out!


How much of the US' citrus does Florida produce?

Watch the video to find out!

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